[Tech update] Open-source application sample is available on our Github

Want to develop your own computer vision application?

No problem at all! We have released an Open Source sample application to get you started on our Github repository.This application is designed to detect the humans present at the entrance and exit of a building or area. If the people enter the marked area, it raises the alert (+1 for entry, -1 for exit) and sends through MQTT.
It is intended to demonstrate how to use computer vision to monitor the number of people inside a building or area.

We encourage you to try this application, as this sample application can help developers to create AI based solutions for monitoring the number of people in a building or area. Plus, it’s a practical way to keep social distancing measurement for COVID-19.

We have updated the user’s manual for UP Squared
Highlight of updates:
  • Added voltage levels information about pinout
  • Such as, UART of CN20 connector is 3V3 TTL, and this UART also includes RTS and CTS pins to enable higher speed and flow control.

UP Squared user manual:

Tutorial: Deploy an offline, private LoRaWAN™ Network

Here provides you the tutorial to set up LoRa gateway on Ubuntu 18.04. Our platforms (UP system base, UP Squared system base, can support TTN v3 Stack. And you can find all available resources on our Github and up-community!

For more questions, you are welcome to join https://www.up-community.org/, where technical experts can help!

Warm regards,
UP Team

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