We are almost ready with our UP Board!
It was not that long ago that we announced the 4GB RAM version of the UP Board finally verified and available to upgrade. Since then, we have received upgrade requests from more than 30% of our backers. We also received extensive feedback from our backers.
We love to keep you updated and here is what is happening at the moment…
During the first week of April, we aim to have the final revision of the board concluded. Once this happens, we can start preparing all materials for mass production. Usually it takes a 4-6 weeks lead-time for materials to become available, however, we are trying our best to have the materials accessible as fast as possible. The mass production schedule is aimed to be complete in the last week of April, and we will be able to start shipment during the first week of May. The shipment priority will be based on your backer ID. The earlier backers will receive the UP board sooner than those who backed the UP board later.
Whilst the ABS chassis and HDMI cable were offered free for our first 500 Kickstarter backers, we need to apologize that the ABS chassis cannot be delivered at the same time the UP board is delivered. We’ve been working on the thermal solution in the past few months, and we realize that we need to modify the ABS chassis to provide better heat dissipation. Taking the tooling lead-time into consideration, we will not be able to deliver the chassis early in May.
To compensate for this, we would like to offer ABS chassis vouchers to our first 500 Kickstarter backers. You can redeem this voucher when you next make a purchase at the UP shop. The other option is that you inform us to delay your shipment. With this option, we will be able to include the ABS chassis together with your delivery.
Another announcement we are particularly excited to make is the opening of our UP Community to everyone. As you know, this was previously for our innovators only. From the 13th April 2016, it will be accessible to you too! UP Community is a hub of information about the UP Board. So if it is a query that you have or just want to know more, UP Community will be the place to ask or find it! |