MAKER FAIRE ROME, Italy, Oct 16 2015 – AAEON (ASUS group), Emutex and Intel today unveiled UP, the credit card size computer board for the professional maker market. Available in commercial and industrial grade formats, UP is a platform designed for makers who intend to quickly UPscale their prototyped ideas into mass produced solutions.
Building on some of the best capabilities of existing maker boards in the market today, UP bridges the gap between the world of prototypes and the world of high-grade mass-produced embedded systems solutions.
UP is powered by an Intel® Atom™ x5 Quad-Core 1.33/1.84Ghz 64 bit CPU (Cherry Trail), with 1GB/2GB RAM, 16GB/32GB eMMC, 40 GP-bus expansion, 4 @ USB 2.0 on connector, 2@ USB2.0 on pin heaeder, USB 3.0 OTG, Ethernet, HDMI, DSI and Intel hardware security features on one board.
Designed to embrace as many software developer communities as possible, UP runs Linux and will soon run Windows 10 and Android. UP users will be supported by an online community through where tutorials and pro-active support forums will be available. The community will also provide a professional service where volume quantities of UP boards, including customized derivatives, can be requested and produced.
Carlo Parmeggiani, Retail Manager Intel “ We are very proud to support the launch of UP. The launch of UP is adding flexibility to the maker community. From processor point of view, this is Ferrari on this kind of solution. I am quite sure market will be happy to see this and it will be great success “
UP project founder Fabrizio Del Maffeo and MD Aaeon Europe said
“We strongly believe that the makers will disrupt the electronic market as we know it now. Bill Gates and Steve Jobs did it 35 years ago and they were makers; Elon Musk is probably today the most famous and successful maker. We want to put in makers’ hands a product – – that can unleash their creativity and make their ideas become reality”
Emutex is delighted to be involved in the enablement and support of UP. In our opinion, UP represents the most powerful and cost effective Intel Atom based platform on the market. It is a fantastic platform for makers and innovators and especially those intending to re-use the wealth of x86 based software technology available in the world today. We will help get Linux users started by providing a new build our ubilinux™ distribution and support them through our pro-active ubilinux community. For makers intending to use their UP platforms in Internet of Things solutions we will provide a free version of our ubiworx™ software framework which will enable them to quickly develop sensor monitoring solutions connected to the cloud.
– John Twomey, Managing Director, Emutex
UP is available on KICKSTARTER from today . Backers can now order early access boards at a discounted price. For further information please visit
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*The “Android” name and the Android logo are property of Google Inc. Microsoft and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. Intel, the Intel logo, Intel Insider, Intel SpeedStep, and Atom are trademarks of Intel Corporation in the U.S. and/or other countries. All rights reserved. UP Bridge The Gap is Trademark of Aaeon Europe. All Rights reserved.